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January 2023: For Clots Sake

Updated: Jan 28, 2023

Today I went for yet another test. This time, we're 'ruling out' which I've come to realize means 'looking for' a blood clot in my right leg.

Why? Because about a week after my last surgery my leg started to hurt... sorta in the middle of my right calf.

If you've been tracking with this blog, than you'd know I'm getting pretty experienced at this surgery thing. So, I knew that 'unilateral lower extremity pain' (that's doctor speak for pain in one leg) is no bueno.

Yesterday I told the physician's assistant about it and she was not having it. See, although blood clots are very unlikely for someone like me, being on hormone medications (Tamoxifen) does put you at higher risk.

Best to check. So, because Johns Hopkins is amazing they got me in this morning for an emergency ultrasound.

Good news. My veins are flowing as expected no clots. Sigh.

Better news! There's a handsome romantic cardiologist out there who can't find love. WHAT! See we started talking and I told him all about this blog. Which he thought was great and passionate. Then he started telling me all about him and how he loves his job, but that his personal life just wasn't what he expected.

He thought it would be easy to find love, but instead it just seems hard. Like everyone is trying to check boxes on a list of life to-dos instead of caring about passion and chemistry. He wrote his name down on a napkin for me (so I would know who did the ultrasound for a follow up survey) and apologized for the napkin. "Sorry, I use napkins, I'm a total romantic." AHHHHH. I'm so going to try and set him up with a friend of mine. She's a passionate romantic too!

I hope he finds who he is looking for. He deserves it.

Just keep swimming.

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