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January 2023: Reconstruction Part 5

Updated: Jan 28, 2023

It's MLK day and my kiddos are off from school. The whole family jumps in the car and heads over to the outpatient surgery center. I don't even need google maps to show me how to get there anymore. Alas.

I sign lots of papers. We go through the standard surgery check-in process and wait for the plastic surgeon to come. We go over everything one more time and then he makes marks and dots on my skin as a guide during the surgery.

I looked down and thought. Man, I'm gonna win this football game! Great strategy Doc!

It looked a lot like this photo, only that's not me. That's a stock image from the internet.

They wheel me into the operating room and I'm pretty much out after a few minutes. The anesthesiologist says he woke me up in the operating room at the end, but I don't remember that. I only remember waking up in a recovery cubby. Anyway, everything went well. I head home.

That afternoon I binge watch TV with the girls. At one point, I get up from the couch and walk up the stairs to the kitchen.

Whoa. I hear ringing in my ears. My vision blurs. I manage to say "AMORE!!!!" and crash. I faint. That's a first. I remember feeling the clunk when my head hit the kitchen tile.

My husband is not pleased. He's very stressed actually. He calls the surgery center and my surgeons office. The surgeon calls back. No Stairs! Drink Water! Go To Bed!

The next morning when I woke up, my mom is at the house. My husband had to leave to START HIS FIRST DAY IN HIS NEW JOB AS AN 8TH GRADE SICENCE TEACHER! He'd called my mom and dad. My mom was on the morning shift, my dad was on the afternoon shift.

I had babysitters!

Just keep swimming.

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